
开始你成为一名药剂师的旅程 药学博士(PharmD)威尼斯赌场网站药学院. 药学博士课程准备你参加 北美药剂师执照考试 (NAPLEX)和 多州药理学考试 (MPJE), which are required examinations in the process to earn your pharmacist license. 通过动态课程, students prepare for pharmacy practice in a variety of settings, 包括学术, 临床, 社区, 公共卫生和制药业. 

四年以上, 你将参与影子体验, introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiences (known as IPPE and APPE), 动态的课程, 实验和小组复习. 通过这些经验方法, you’ll develop the skills necessary to be a successful pharmacist. 

在药学博士项目的中途, students tailor their educational experience to best align with their personal and professional needs. 在第三年, students can customize their degree through an elective track in advanced 临床 practice, 业务, 临床试验管理或药物安全. 这是他们第四年的临床实习, students explore new and nontraditional areas of pharmacy practice in and around the city of Philadelphia, 在全球各地的附属网站, 在国际药房的传教轮转中. 

PharmD vs. 药学博士

的 PharmD is a professional degree for students who want to become practicing pharmacists in a variety of settings. 的 药学博士 is designed for students who want to pursue a career in pharmaceutical research.  

跟踪 & 浓度

在第三年, you’ll be able to customize your PharmD by choosing one of four elective tracks.

  • 高级临床实践轨道 is the ideal option for students who want to pursue a residency program after graduating from the PharmD program. 的 track will sharpen your skills in institutional practice and management. 

  • 的 业务跟踪 is managed in conjunction with the Fox School of Business and allows the student to enroll in the MBA课程 并获得药学博士和工商管理硕士双学位. This track allows students to study the financial and marketing side of the pharmaceutical industry. A strong foothold in both the 业务 and pharmaceutical world is beneficial for those who wish to work in health systems, become an administrator in a wide array of practice venues or operate their own independent pharmacy. 

  • 的 临床试验跟踪 prepares students to participate in drug study design to determine a drug’s efficacy and safety levels. 药物研究设计包括生物标记物的回顾, pharmacogenetics and pharmacokinetics in order to minimize side effects and increase benefits of new and existing drugs. 

  • 的 药品安全跟踪 提供药物警戒方面的高级教育, 与检测有关的科学和活动, 评估, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other medicine/vaccine-related problem. 的 FDA requires drug safety policies and procedures for all entities that develop and dispense medications. 的 track can prepare you for a residency or fellowship in drug safety following graduation.

类 & 课程

的 PharmD curriculum is offered at 威尼斯赌场网站’s Health Sciences Center. Many rotations and professional practice experiences are held at  威尼斯赌场网站医院.  


  • 生物药剂学 & 药物动力学 

  • 当代药学实践 

  • 免疫学/生物技术 

  • 药物基因组学与药物代谢;  

  • 专业实践

  • 保健的社会和经济方面 



As a PharmD student or graduate, you can also pursue the Master of Science in Global Clinical and Pharmacovigilance Regulations 专门研究药物的功效和安全性. 成功完成硕士课程后, degree recipients may also apply for the certificate in Global Pharmacovigilance: Benefit-Risk Assessment.


学费 & 费用

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, this 药学博士 offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费 rates are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 

Learn more about the tuition rates for the 2023–2024 academic year